Russell's Custom Polishing
929 Juantia, #101
Mesa, AZ 85204
(480) 632-7072
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Russell's Custom Polishing Testimonials
We are currently working on updating our testimonials section. Have a review? Please be sure to submit it to us.
From Around the Web:
We have been attempting to compile some metions about Russell's Custom Polishing from around the web, and here are just a few that we have come up with. Enjoy.
Dirk's Route 66 Prep run for his Classic Mustang
1934 For Roadster
Daryl Wolfswinkel's 1934 Ford
/ 2011 AMBR Award Winner at the Grand National Roadster Show
Dogfight Magazine
/ 51 Chevy Truck Wrap Up (Suspension Components)
Russells Custom Polishing, Mesa, AZ • 480-632-7072